Monday, September 24, 2007


Could Be The Best Thing That Could Happen To Some Retirees

What Has Changed
  • People are retiring younger (20 years and out).
  • People are healthier (can have a productive life for 20 or more years).
  • People are interested in increasing their lifestyle instead of maintaining or reducing it.
  • People are retiring with a vast storehouse of knowledge and expertise that is marketable and they want to do something with it.
  • There is a marketplace that is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, that they can tap into and increase their income to help them enjoy more of what retirement has to offer.
Taking Advantage of Change

This major change we are talking about is the internet. As employees we have been taught to think of working for someone else to make money. The problem with working for a living is you can only earn what the employer wants to pay you. And if you are retired, many retirees take minimum wage jobs even though they have more to offer (and get paid for) than their employer will pay.

Think Internet

It will require a different commitment (a lot of work in the beginning to set your business up) instead of giving your valuable time to make someone else’s business successful. But there are big benefits to setting up your own internet retirement business. A few of them are:

  • You are open for business 365 days/year 24/hours /day.
  • After the initial setup you can work on your schedule not someone else’s.
  • You will be doing it for yourself and not someone else so you will be rewarded as a business owner instead of an employee.
  • You can organize and establish your internet business around what you know, your passion, or your expertise so you can get paid for it.
Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur

What does it take to become a retirement Internet Entrepreneur? Here are a few important changes you will have to make:

        • A change of mind set from employee, which most of us have been all our working life, to entrepreneur is essential.
        • A realization that building an internet business in your retirement is not difficult to do it is simply a lot of work.
        • Because we have been employees our entire working life we must invest in ourselves and learn how to become entrepreneurs and business people.
        • Because we are not familiar with operating a business on the internet we must spend (invest) wisely in learning how to build a successful internet business.
If You Are Going To Do It Though Do It Right

After reading the information above, you may say “I’m retired and I don’t want to start a business at this stage of my life”. And that’s ok. To those people who are looking for ways to increase their life style by building their own internet business and becoming un-retired my advice is: “Do it right”

Here is what I Mean:

  • Spend money (invest) in becoming an entrepreneur instead of trying to build your business with an employee mind set.
  • Spend money (invest) in becoming the best internet marketer you can be.
  • Spend money (invest) wisely in your personal development and your business.
  • Be aware that there a lot of people on the internet that will tell you they have a magic “get a rich quick solution” to your success. Don’t believe it, it is a lot of work, not hard work.
  • Be a Success Thinker. Instead of listening to others who will say your business won’t work. If it doesn’t try again, don’t give up. You can be smarter than 87% of the businesses on the internet, but you will have to invest in finding out how to do it.

Start today by going to Start Your Own Internet Retirement Business for more information.

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