Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Retirement and Your Internet Business

Retirement and Your Internet Business

As a retiree I have been evaluating business models for making money on the internet for the last few years. I know many of you have read the hype, watched the infomercials, read the news articles, etc. on how to get rich by making money on the internet. Some of you have also attended free seminars which talk about how easy it is to make money and get rich by starting your own internet business.

Most of us first experienced the internet market place by buying or even selling stuff through Ebay, Amazon, Yahoo, or buying directly online from Best Buy, Blockbuster, etc. But this site is not about showing you how to be a buyer of someone else's products online. It's about giving you the necessary information and identifying the correct resources for you to evaluate whether you should become an internet entrepreneur at this stage in your life.

At this point:

- Are you looking for a business opportunity to supplement your income monthly?

- Are you recently retired and want to start a new business.

- Are you recently retired, bored and want to find a rewarding, challenging and possibly lucrative opportunity to make money online.

How to Get Started

If the answer is yes to any of the questions above than maybe I can help. You see, the biggest problems with starting an online business is knowing how to get started and making decisions on things like:

  • - What to do
  • - How to do it
  • - Where I should (invest) spend money
  • - How much money should I spend

Now I don't purport to know your circumstances but I can offer you some valuable advice based on my own and sometimes costly experience. You see, I had the same problems and uncertainty's, when I started thinking about, evaluating and starting my own online business. My background is from the corporate world where I managed large organizations and I had to learn and relearn how to develop and run an online business as an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurial Business Venture

Make no mistake about it you must view this new venture (if you choose to go forward) as an entrepreneurial business. If you treat it as a hobby (even though you start your business around your hobby) the chances of it becoming a profitable business over time are diminished considerably. So my advice is to treat your new venture as a profit/loss online business immediately and start it and grow it to make money from the start. Let me start by giving you an overview of how to go about starting and operating your own internet business. So let's get started on our journey.


While there are many areas that are important to understand I would like to focus on the following 5 important categories:

  • - Investing in your online business
  • - Investing in yourself
  • - Understanding internet marketing
  • - Drawing traffic (customers) to your business site
  • - Developing a business model for your online business

The reason I will focus on the five areas above is because I believe these are the areas that are critical to building your own online business. Let's get started.

First, you have to understand one important thing, you have to invest in your online business. Remember this is a business not a hobby. You have competition out there and you must invest the time and money to be successful. If you don't make the investment your competition will and they will take your customers once they see the niche has profit potential.

Second, you have to invest in yourself. Remember, for most of us entrepreneurial skills have not been a part of our tool bag. It is essential that we develop these skills to run an online internet business.

Third, we have to understand internet marketing and selling to pick successful product(s) or service(s) to market or sell. Because bottom-line, your business is not going to make a dime if your customer doesn't buy or your competitor gets to him first.

Fourth, having an internet business is not like having a store front in your home town or mall. You and only you are responsible for getting customers to your online store front. Unlike the mall where people are passing by, people will not come to your online without you drawing them to your site.

Fifth, once your customer buys from you, you have to have an online business model which will continue to draw new customers to your business and sell to your existing customers over and over again.

Sound complicated and confusing? It doesn't have to be. But make no mistake about it, you will get out of your business what you put it into it. The good news is the same internet that you are going to make money from is the same resource that will help you be successful in developing your online internet business and that is where I can add value. I will show you the places to look to develop and grow your business.

There are lots of resources that are free or at modest cost while there are other resources which are worth the additional investment in your business to help you be successful. Know where to get these resources and invest the money and time in your internet business and you will looking back on this day as a day you started your new online venture on the internet.

Get started today and begin by improving your Business Development Skills.

To your business success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Bill M,

It is very interesting to read a positive, informative blog that makes you want to get more information. Here I goooooooooooo

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